Raja Bersiong (The Fanged King). A popular Malaysian legendary character taken from Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa. The king was known as Raja Ong Maha Perita Deria who lived during ancient Kedah kingdom. He has a very unique culinary appetite-craved for human blood. One day, his cook accidentally cut his finger while preparing for the king's meal but later, the king found the dish to be very tasty. He used force upon the cook to find out about the secret to the tasty meal. The cook was not left with a choice but to reveal that the secret ingredient was the drip of blood from his finger that fall into the dish. From thereon, the king sacrificed his subjects in order to get the human blood to be added to his meal. But later he was hunted down for his atrocity.
Colored in Photoshop CS.
salam! saya berminat dengan artwork anda, saya sedang mencari seseorang yang boleh melukis tema ala-ala Nusantara seperti yg tertera pada sketch Raja Bersiong ini, kalau anda berminat untuk bekerjasama dengan saya tolong hubungi saya segera kerana saya sememangnya amat berminat dengan sketch anda!
BalasHapusini email saya: asri.farid@gmail.com
p/s: saya bukan dari mana2 syarikat, tetapi adalah individu, kalau tuan tidak keberatan saya sebenarnya ingin meminta jasa baik tuan untuk melakarkan sebuah artwork yg berteraskan ciri2 kenusantaraan, jikalau berminat, saya akan berikan detail artwork tersebut kepada tuan ..
terima kaseh!
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